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Itamaraty condemns attempted coup in Bolivia and recalls Mercosur clause

"These facts are incompatible with Bolivia's commitments to Mercosur under the aegis of the Ushuaia Protocol," states the note from Chancellor Mauro Vieira

(Foto: REUTERS/Claudia Morales)

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247 – The Brazilian government issued a strong condemnation of the ongoing attempted coup d'état in Bolivia. The action involves the irregular mobilization of Bolivian Army troops, representing a clear threat to the democratic rule of law in the country.

In an official note, the Brazilian Government expressed its total support and solidarity with President Luis Arce, as well as with the Bolivian Government and people. Brazil emphasized that it will maintain constant communication with the legitimate authorities of Bolivia, in addition to dialoguing with the governments of other South American countries. The objective is to repudiate this serious violation of the Bolivian constitutional order and reaffirm the commitment to democracy in the region.

The note also highlights that these events are incompatible with the commitments assumed by Bolivia within the scope of Mercosur, especially under the Ushuaia Protocol, which emphasizes the full validity of democracy among its members.

The support of Brazil and other South American countries is seen as crucial to ensuring democratic stability in Bolivia and the region, reinforcing democratic values and the constitutional order.


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