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Campos Neto downplays ties with Bolsonaro: 'Don’t judge by the color of the shirt'

The "color of the shirt" mentioned by Campos Neto clearly alludes to accusations of alignment with bolsonarism

(Foto: Marcos Corrêa/PR)

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247 - During his participation in BTG Pactual's Macroday event this Tuesday (20th), Roberto Campos Neto, president of the Central Bank, attempted to justify his leadership of the institution, marked by high interest rates and accusations that he was sabotaging President Lula's government. By stating that "I hope my successor is not criticized, not judged by the color of the shirt he wears, or if he attended the party, or if he participated in a tribute one way or another, but that he is judged by the technical decisions he made," Campos Neto downplays the importance of his political proximity to Jair Bolsonaro and far-right figures, suggesting that these relationships should not influence the public perception of his management.

The "color of the shirt" mentioned by Campos Neto alludes to accusations of alignment with bolsonarism, raising further concerns about the true independence of the institution he leads. According to government supporters, under the pretext of focusing on technical decisions, Campos Neto kept the Selic rate at high levels, contrary to the economic agenda, creating the impression of deliberate sabotage of economic policy.

With his term coming to an end and Lula yet to define a successor, Campos Neto seems to be eyeing a future political career, intensifying suspicions that his time at the Central Bank was driven by a political agenda disguised as technicality. (With information from CNN Brasil).

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