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Lula urges countries supporting Israel to stop the genocide in Gaza

President also stated that Israel does not comply with United Nations decisions

Lula (Foto: Ricardo Stuckert / PR)

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247 - During a press conference in New York, USA, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva addressed the escalating tensions in the Middle East on Wednesday (25), highlighting the contradiction between the creation of the State of Israel and the lack of recognition for Palestine. Lula stated that “the UN had the strength to create the State of Israel, but not Palestine,” emphasizing the need for a just and equitable solution to the conflict. He criticized the lack of international action regarding human rights violations in the region.

The president also mentioned the devastation caused by the war in Lebanon, where “620 people have died, the highest number since the civil war.” Lula expressed concern about Israel's actions under Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership, reminding that “Netanyahu was tried by the ICC and condemned in the same way as Putin.” He stressed that it is imperative for the countries supporting Netanyahu to work to halt what he described as genocide, noting that “I am sure that most of the people of Israel do not agree with the genocide.”

Lula concluded his speech by appealing to Hamas to “contribute and release the hostages,” stressing the importance of dialogue and cooperation to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the conflict, which continues to have devastating consequences for the civilian population.

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