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Requests for Refuge in Argentina Double for Bolsonaro Supporters Involved in Coup Acts

Javier Milei's country is the main destination for fugitive Bolsonaro supporters

(Foto: Joedson Alves/Agencia Brasil | REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

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247 - Last month, the number of Brazilians investigated or convicted for involvement in the January 8, 2023 acts who requested refuge in Argentina doubled. The total increased from 60 to about 120, according to Federal Police data. These individuals, wanted for their participation in the invasion and vandalism of the headquarters of the Three Powers in Brasília on January 8, 2023, justify their requests by claiming their rights are being violated in Brazil due to ongoing investigations in the Supreme Federal Court. The information comes from the newspaper O Globo.

To avoid arrest, many of these fugitives damaged their electronic ankle bracelets and fled to countries like Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, and mainly Argentina. While most are concentrated in Buenos Aires, there are also Brazilians in cities like La Plata, Palermo, Córdoba, Sarandí, and Monserrat. They used various means to reach their destination, including river trips and long walks, passing through routes that include Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay.

The Federal Police is collaborating with police forces in neighboring countries to identify the whereabouts of these fugitives. The collected information is used to create a wanted list that will be sent to the Supreme Federal Court and the Department of Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice, aiming for the extradition of those involved.

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