PF Points Out that Bolsonaro Embezzled Millions in Jewelry
According to the PF, the proceeds from the sale of these items were converted into cash
247 - The final report of the Federal Police (PF) that resulted in the indictment of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) indicates that a criminal association was formed during his government with the aim of embezzling jewelry and high-value gifts received due to the position then occupied by the former president.
According to the corporation, the embezzled items were examined, and the list of goods includes gifts given by foreign authorities, with a partial value totaling US$ 1,227,725.12 or R$ 6,826,151.66, highlights a section of the report. The information was first provided by the columnist Fausto Macedo from the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo.
In the report, the PF points out that the proceeds from the sale of these items were converted into cash and subsequently integrated into the personal assets of Jair Bolsonaro through intermediaries. Bolsonaro was indicted for the crimes of criminal association, embezzlement, and money laundering.
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